With a title like “Racism Exists” you would think I would
have some earth shattering statement. I don’t. My thoughts and emotions are a
bit raw with the events of this week. I love people but I hate what people are
doing to each other. We need to be better humans…..
I am sitting in my big comfortable chair watching what you
are all watching on television. Many of us are on a couch, in a place of safety
and comfort. We are stirring our tea occasionally, taking sips from the mug. We
have worries and things of concern but for the most part, we will get thru it
and figure out a way to find ourselves back in our comfy chair watching television
again tomorrow.
We don’t have to worry, for the most part, about being
stopped by law enforcement for whatever reason, detained and questioned.
We don’t have to worry about getting “the look” when walking
into a place of business. You know “the look” the one where you’re probably
there to rob the place because of the way you’re dressed and the way you look.
We don’t have to worry about a job interview and getting a
litany of questions about your abilities, qualifications and education over and
over again, even though its clearly all in your resume’ and supporting documents.
Your neighborhood school had all of the things it should
have, new equipment, great teachers and a great support system top down. You don’t
have to worry about going to school with over-crowded classrooms, sharing of
text books, sub-standard support systems and metal detectors at the entrances.
We don’t have to worry about where our next meal comes from, if the lights are going to be on, if the water is going to be shut off and if there is gas in our vehicle to go to work.
We don’t have to worry about a lot.
Many people have to worry, many of your fellow residents do and
even many of your friends do.
There are racists.
There racists of every color in the spectrum of a rainbow.
There are people that look down on others based on their
skin color, religion, social status, checkbook, the way they look, where the
live, where they work and whom they fell in love with.
These are facts.
I will never pretend to have the answers. I simply only know
my response from my perspective. So what I am about to say is from what I see,
know and have experience with. That’s it.
But I do listen.
You should too.
Listening to others thoughts, feelings and perspective is an
important skill. Hone it, practice it and then use what you’ve learned from
others, combined with your own thoughts and apply it to help make the world a
better place.
“Ideologies separate us. Dreams and anguish bring us together.”
Eugene Ionesco
In my TEDx Talk - Link here. I talked about love for my fellow man
and service above self. Love guides me. Love teaches me humility. Love brings
light into darkness. I don’t think I talked about any earth-shattering concepts.
I kept it simple. My themes where love and service.
Love and service is still what drives me.
We cannot fix the justice system, society or any other
organization or services without first acknowledging the problems and
inequities. We must drill down to the causation across the board.
Quick story – Everyone who reads my stuff and knows me,
knows I am big rodeo fan. My family and I have been involved in rodeo for
years. We love it.
Rodeo is a great sport as an example of equality. Yes I said
that. It’s not a bunch of rednecks drinking beers, running around on horses or
riding bulls for the sheer sport of it (ok to be fair there is a little bit of
that). Rodeo is about the connection of horse and rider. Rodeo athlete vs
animal rodeo athletes. Nobody cares in the least bit, if your gay, what god you
pray to, what the color of your skin is, If you have a million bucks or 10
cents, what you drive or where you are from. None of that is a factor, at all.
We are all there for the love of our animals and the sport. We take care of our
animals like they are family. We take care of each other like they are family.
We often speak in terms like “our rodeo family”. We support each other, we care
about each other. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
This is going to take work. Some sweat. Some tears. Some big
changes in the way we operate our government and the way we see and treat people.
We need to open our eyes to the world around us. We need to listen more and act
on that. We need to be doers.
We must eliminate racism by replacing it with understanding;
acceptance, equality and well…more love for our fellowman.
I was just thinking does this make me a liberal or a
conservative? Oh Dave how dare you enter into the political fray! I make this
statement because often times we draw political lines when in reality we should
reject some those strict definitions and embrace the ideals that best serve our
society, mankind and our hearts. I don’t know the answer on my own politics. I
would suggest though, it makes me a human who truly loves people. I am
completely fine with that.
I am willing to do what I can to help our country and world.
Are you?