You know I’ve given this one thought over the last few years; of course I’m talking about protests that are in the NFL and other professional leagues and minor leagues as well. I mean I guess if you want to start, it would be with Colin Kaepernick when he was with the 49ers last year. This year it’s taken on a different theme, last year we saw a few members of the NFL to start to emulate Mr. Kaepernick but we didn’t see the mass protests that there are today.
Last year it was about police brutality, an unfair justice system, general mistreatment and racism. I still think some of those issues are prevalent in belief this year. It appears that there is a whole other thing going on here now when we talk about this latest protest. Now I’m not gonna get into the politics of this action because it is some of it, politics. I choose to focus on the human side of it.
Your neighbors, some of your family and your coworkers they all have different opinions on the subject. It’s my belief that our founding fathers were wise people. The Bill of Rights is an amazing document and when I was sworn to a uphold the U.S. Constitution it was a very solemn and serious act for me. It was something that I took very seriously and still do to this day.
The First Amendment is one of the most powerful laws that exist in our world today. Yes I said the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is one the most powerful laws that there is in the world. It is one of the cornerstones of our republic and the reason why so many countries and their people envy us here in the United States. You see, in other countries they don’t have the freedom to say what’s on their mind, they don’t have the freedom to write in their newspapers how they feel about a particular subject, law or government official. In some countries voicing an opinion that is contrary to those in the mainstream is punishable by death.
Here in the United States we can say what we want about anybody, any subject, any law and be free to say those things. Some would argue that standing or kneeling for the national anthem is a disrespect to those that have fought, bled and died for our country. I felt this way at one time. But then I looked deeper and realized that those brave and mighty American heroes fought, bled and died for our freedom’s. It was actually a veteran who fought in Vietnam who spoke with me on the subject that brought me to this way of thinking. Now that’s not to say that I agree with kneeling during our national anthem because I don’t. But I agree with and individuals right to protest and do the thing that he or she needs to do to get their point across just as long as it does not hurt anybody.
Does racism and mistreatment exist in our justice system and in our country? Yes of course it does. Just as was quoted in Star Treks Undiscovered Country, “if we are to live in a brave new world our generation will have the hardest time living in it”. Changing minds takes work. It takes caring. But mostly it takes responsible people both sharing their thoughts and listening to each other for this change to occur.
I am a Caucasian male in law-enforcement. I have not experienced racism. But I’m not so arrogant and blind to realize that there are not racist people. There are people in power that have these thoughts I’m sure. I have never seen any of these folks in action myself personally but I do know that they exist in our world. I would be the first one to say something and then do something if I saw something out of line. We have a long ways to go still I think, but in my line of work I believe we are on the leading edge of true equality in this country.
The First Amendment is about freedom. It’s about respecting the sacrifices the brave men and women of our military both past and present have made for us. It’s about our strength as a nation. It’s about that melting pot that comes together for these United States. Sometimes it’s about saying something or doing something when you don’t agree with a particular thing. It’s about celebrating our differences but all having one goal. It is what makes our country great. It is also about disagreeing as well. We can have different beliefs systems, come from different backgrounds, have different educational standards, we can be wealthy or poor, we can be doctors or farmers, we can be police officers or a member of the clergy, all of these things together but primarily we are all Americans and all human beings.
Some people say: but Dave you like watching football and I know you watch football on Sundays. Well it’s true I do enjoy football. Football should be for entertainment in my opinion. Football is a game it’s not real life, it’s not life or death and it’s a place where professional athletes go to work. I won’t be watching football this week, not because I’m not protesting another’s protest, it is because I want to actually have a Sunday where I get something accomplished during the football season. My wife, my kids and my animals deserve my time and I’m going to give it to them.
I love this country I love it’s people, I love the way that we come together in times of crisis, but mostly I love and enjoy serving all of you.
Anyway today let’s work on ourselves, let’s lift each other up, let’s try to do something for our fellow man that’s unexpected, and let’s try to be good in our hearts and by example.