Locally in San Benito
County, the novel corona virus shelter in place (SIP) began on March
17th....the day I was hired as Public Information Officer (PIO).
That day, many local
businesses had but a few hours to figure out what their next steps were. The
shelter in place rumors had been swirling around for a few days granted. Other
communities had already enacted them around our country. But it was a shock to our
locals. Heck it was a shock to me. I mean holy paradigm shifts Batman...
So as we ventured into
the days and weeks ahead, we got some clarity on the "rules". Some
businesses moved to delivery or take-out schemes. Other businesses closed
because their business model didn't really allow much wiggle room.
Other businesses had to close because they were defined as non-essential by the
Public Health Order and or the Governors Executive Order.
My point, all
businesses, job sites, projects and other things that keep food on the table
and bills paid are in fact by definition, essential. That not even
Now we are in a
quandary. Many us are home for the SIP / Stay at Home order. Some of us are
still working. To maintain our societal norms, we need folks working, kids
in school to keep the machine of our economy to chug forth.
From my desk, I cannot
do much to change any of it. But I have some suggestions to help our local
businesses. After all;
- Who supports your kid’s soccer team with
a sponsorship?
- Who lets your Girl Scout or Boy Scout
sale their fundraiser items in front of their businesses?
- Who employs your friends, family and your
teenage son/daughter for their first job?
- Who grows and produces your food?
- Whose sales tax generation supports local
public services and infrastructure?
- Who has a neighbor, friend or family that
is local business owners?
The answer is of
course local businesses. Reminder, local owners also own franchises, so don't
dismiss them either.
Here is what I am asking you try to do:
local businesses!
Louder for people in
the back - Support local businesses!
- Purchase take out items from local
restaurants, kitchens and to-go spots. Tip your servers
- Buy locally sourced produce if possible.
- Support our local super markets
(corporate or local) they employee of a lot of local people.
- If you need service on your vehicle -
Local shop
- If you need an emergency repair -
plumber, construction, roofing, cement, etc.....whatever your emergency -
Use local please
- Comment on social media often about your
excellent experiences using local vendors.
After SIP
Same as previous list
Shop at local business
that were closed for SIP and
Use local services
that were closed for SIP
Encourage your fellow
residents to do the same
Comment on social
media often about your excellent experiences using local vendors.
My chief thoughts
today are all places that employ people are essential and we need to support
them with our wallets, period.
Just a few thoughts as
I am drinking my morning coffee......as always be nice to each other.
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