That is the tricky part. Without a crystal ball, we do not have any idea what we will need at the end of the day. We always have to rely on historical data. So there's a lot of extrapolation with historical data combined with a needs assessment based on what projects, equipment and programs we plan for the new fiscal year. In public safety, it is not and never will be an exact science.
So, my point, it is worth the extra time and effort to get it right as possible. You all deserve this kind of effort and value for your money.
We finished the first review and adjustments, we will have more reviews and we will make a few more adjustments and then submit it to the City Manager's Office for review. After the review,, the City Manager submits the entire budget document to the City Council for its examination and review. It gets discussed and voted on and adopted later this year.
We just had our second full rally meeting this afternoon. Additionally, I did a site walk-thru with the new promoters and the City Engineer this morning. We walked the entire rally area and answered / asked many questions with the new group.

Our rally meetings are usually held at the police department. We bring the promoters into a meeting with the other stakeholders / service providers for the event. Its sort an opportunity to solve problems, answer any concerns and ask questions. I like to get everyone introduced so there is a "face with a name". I think it enhances communications and helps everyone have the same expectations with each others roles. It is one of the things I've insisted on since the reboot of the event in 2013. Efficient communication enhances our output and helps us streamline the events build-up, operation and close.
I know I keep banging away at this, so be patient. I'm going to continue.
I said,
We expect a large group of kids this year in the program. We will need a team parent and a coach for every single team. We have about 30 or teams last year, that meant we needed over 60 parents to just operate the league.
Team Coaches do not need prior coaching experience.

Jr Giants will send you to FREE training for coaching. Team Parents will receive FREE training as well.
Online registration for both kids, coaches and team parents begins on March 4, 2016 at jrgiants.org
Walk-in registration will be the Hollister Community Center, 300 West Street, Hollister, CA - March 19, 2016 10 AM - Noon.
I'm planning another My Chief Thoughts Live for next week via Periscope / Facebook Live. I'll post the date/time online on Facebook / Twitter / Instagram. There is also a link to my YouTube Channel here if you want to watch the older broadcasts.
If you have any questions or observations you would like to share with. Let me know on any one of my social media accounts.
Remember I do these off-duty for the most part so as to not invade my work time and official duties, so sometimes it might take me a bit to respond back.
Until then, I'll see you later.
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